Saturday, April 25, 2009

long week.

this has been a long week. it goes a little something like this: Work {12M-8a}, get Jadyn to school, sleep for 2 1./2 hrs , get up so the d-man can go to work, play with the boys, get Jadyn from school. Homework- the never ending freaking fight. every.night. , dinner, baths and bedtime. my kids are in bed by 7. period. every night. because if they aren't. a}mommy gets grouchy and b} Jadyn does not wake up in time for school and is a BEAR to get ready. not to mention the d-man very rarely gets up on time so they are always running late. if Jadyn does not get at least 10-11 hrs of sleep a night she is a bear in the am.
so around 8 I lay down for a quick 3 hr nap before work. Two nights a week I am in class and two nights a week sometimes 3 Jadyn is in baseball. so i am toast by time my weekend {every other} rolls around.

this week was full of work, school, kids, earth day promises, clipping coupons {trying to save money} and getting things ready for the yard sale this weekend {all in hopes to buy a skirt I so desperatley want Jadyn to have from gymboree that is still full price lol} . Do you see sleep mentioned in there? nope, because there was very little. Today I had every intention of sleeping all day. unfortunately a melt down before J went to school prevented that because somewhere in my tiredness I made a promise to come have lunch with Jadyn, which I did, by the way because the love of my daughter over rides my tiredness and because I just can't say no.
Tomorrow I am heading to yard sale some stuff at the community yard sale, and Jadyn also has a soft ball game. I am already feeling guilty, but I am so tired that I may see if Jadyn can get a ride to the game. I just. can't. do . it.
I need some sleep. and some sanity.
So I will post more soon. I promise.


Anonymous said...

You need a long stretch of sleep! Wow how do you do it?? If you are trying to save money (as I am too) you should check out my friends blog at and become a follower. She keeps us posted on great coupons and deals :)

WhisperingWillow said...
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AiringMyLaundry said...


I hope you're able to get some rest.

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