Sunday, September 14, 2008

nightmare on my street.......

So there are three dreams I HATE to have. and I mean HATE. 1) something has happened to my children, 2) something has happened to the hubster ie: the D-Man OR 3) my husband has had an affair. those are just three dreams that I hate to have and I am sure most mommies/wives can agree with me.

So I get home from work Saturday am, and I am dead tired. I opt to go to bed for a few hrs before activities for the day {playdates, sleepovers ect } begin. At 830 am I am in bed crashed. at 12 Noon I wake up in a cold sweat. I had a vivid and I mean VIVID dream tha tnot only has the D-man cheated on me, but he has gotten some other skank... ahem girl...pregnant and LEFT me with the kids. {yeah because he could afford the child support for 3 kids.... bahahahahahah}

It was so vivid that I woke up in a cold sweat and tears in my eyes.
*stomping down the stiars* "Darold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
*more stomping*

I find the D-man in the garage working on his boat.. *TWHAK*

d-man~ "ouch. Damn Chrissi What the hell was that for?"
ME~ "don't EVER do that to me. she is a SKANK! Don't you see that? oh and by the way my cheating hubster if you TH"INK for one second you can afford child support.... well think again my friend"

*CUE blank look*
D-man~ Chrissi I have no idea what you are friggin talking about.
ME~ I had a dream.......
D-man~ Wait a minute... lets back the F**** up. you came down here, hit me on the arm and yelled at me over child support and gave me a heart attack over a DREAM? you are out of your mind!~"
ME~ But it was a very vivid dream...... oh and FYI in my dream she WAS a skank. {because if he is going to cheat on me ut HAS to be with a skank....right? {and beleive me I have never had any trust issues with my hubster. he is about as faithful as they come and he even jokes there is not even TIME to have an affair lol- but since John Edwards came forward after his affair, and I really liked him btw- it has destroyed my faith in faithful men...somewhat}

fast foward a few hrs later~ D is still shaking his head at me. telling me I am out of my mind. we are at walmart- and just an FYI I hate to be sepearated at walmart. because then I have to search for him or call him on his phone which btw he very rarley answers. so I can't find him and we are on a time constraint because we have to go pick J up. I have patrick with me and he has Wy with him. so I call his phone.
Where are you???????????/ I screech. I can't find you. and I am looking EVERYWHERE,..... {have i mentioned i have a flair for the dramatics?}
D-man~ "well chrissi I am over here in electronics..... with the Wy-man continueing my affair with said "skank" from your dream. happy now?

Dude... Remind me to never tell him my dreams again.. he seriously does. not. get. it.


Brittany said...

Those dreams are the worst, and I never tell my husband about them, I just get snippy with him for what seems to be no apparent reason.

Anonymous said...

OMG! That was funny even if it wasn't supposed to be :) Just the fact that your dream was so vivid that you approached him about it is funny!! I have had so many vivid dreams. The one I have had is where my basement is flooding (which as happened before) but my basement is about 3,000 square feet in my dream and the sump pump is like 1/2 the size! And it sucking all my furniture and kids toys down! I always go down stairs to make sure everything is there after the dream. I hate HATE those dreams! You have a great hubby who finds the humor in your drama :) Great blog.!!!