Friday, February 20, 2009

a little trip down memory lane.....

I am feeling a little bit nostalgic this week, and really missing blogging, so here I am. I realized this week that I left Pennsylvania 10 yrs ago. 10 long years since I have been south of the Mason Dixon line. There are days that I want to move back to PA so bad that I can't stand it, however I am married to a man who hates snow, and winter and everything that goes along with it. so thats not ever going to happen my friend. Never.
I also realized that its been about 11 yrs since my first concert. I remember it clearly. it was a Garth Brooks concert. you have to remember I grew up in a small town in PA. you either listened to either Southern Rock or Country. or Both. I can remember as a 15 yr old on the Varsity Cheerleading squad one of the seniors gave me a ride to practice. Van Halen blaring as loud as it would go in her Chevette. I had no idea who VanHalen was, but I knew SHE was cool. as cool as it. got. So when I got home I put in my Vanilla Ice tape into my tape deck of my beloved stereo and blared it as loud as it would go. Ice... and then my mom told me to turn it down.
so anyway fast forward a few years. I was always unsure of myself, very self conscious and lord I WANTED to be like the girls in highschool that would just break out in song or dance or both, who could just be loud and fun and everyone wanted to be around. I wasn't like that. I was too afraid of what people would think. So I was dating this guy, and I was invited to a Garth Brooks concert with him. I was very self conscious still at this point. and his family was going and lord, I co uldn't be how I REALLY wanted to be around him. I don't think I ever was truly "myself" around him.
So we get to this concert and my ex sits. SITS. for the entire c oncert. Garth is jumping around the stage and singing and hollering and Penn State is SOLD OUT. and all I wanted to do was jump up and down and profess my undying love for Garth Brooks. instead I sat. for the entire concert and politley clapped my hands. Several years later, when I moved to VA a guy who wanted to date me invited me to a metallica and kid rock concert, and I accepted, because dude... who turns down metallica and kid rock? certainly not me. again this guy sat. seriously.....WHO SITS DURING A KID ROCK concert? not me. I was all over myself. at this point I had decided I DID. NOT.CARE. I rocked it out. and he looked at me like I was insane. was crazy. he even asked if I had had too much drink.... dude ...apparently not enough.
that was the last I ever saw of him. probably a good thing.
then I met my husband. and god love him, I knew the day I met him in person that he was the man of my dreams, my soul mate and the person I belonged with. {how we met is a differen't story, I will have to blog about that later.}
So , I knew when I met my husband that I could totally be myself with him. he does not bat an eye when I break out in song and dance and make up verses to my fave songs to include him, infact he breaks out in song on more than one occasion during the day to amuse me or the kids. I can say what I want, act as crazy as I want and just be myself.
I have the love of my life. He took me to a Poison concert for our first anniversary and I acted all over myself and had the best time of my life. of course he gets just as crazy with me. he is SO. Much.Fun. I can't wait to go see Bon Jovi or Daughtry... maybe he shoudln't go with me, because I will be professing my undying love for them as well.
Thankfully my kids are nothing like I was when I was younger. they have no problem acting crazy, breaking out in dance or song, and I now have a 7 yr old that knows the entire nickel back CD by heart, I have a 3 yr old who can sing "allsummer long" with the best of them and a 4 yr old who asks me to turn it up so he can "rock it out". THANK GOD....



Anonymous said...

I've been missing your blogs and so glad to see you are "back"!! :) Where in PA are you from?? I am from PA too and sometimes miss it as well. We have been down here for 9 years and I can't believe it!

Mariah said...

You're back! I started reading a while ago and then you disappeared. Yaya! I must add you to my blogroll now!


I am back. i meant to keep blogging and time got away from me but I missed it. so i am back.
Lisha I am from Williamsport area. home of the little league world series. I actually graduated from Hughesville HS about 25 miles north of williamsport. where are you from???
Mariah! thanks! glad someone else added me to their blog roll!

Anonymous said...

I am from a little town near Breezewood PA (You know the drop off from I70 to the turnpike?) Very cool you are from the LL world series area! :)


i know the breezewood area. i have a friend that grew up in that area and i traveled there for her wedding i was in about 6 yrs ago.