Wednesday, January 21, 2009

No matter who you voted for in this years election, yesterday was a wonderful, historic moment in our Nation's history. How awesome was it to see our first African American President take office? I know that there are devout McCain supporters out there and I am the first to admit that my husband and father and brother voted for McCain. I flipped. I was going to vote for McCain, but voted for Obama in the end. Yes this was historical for us, life changing even, to see all of those people on the National mall in support of this man, this change in our country was inspiring. Jadyn's school watched it yesterday and I was so glad. I got papers from yesterday and today to keep in my treasure box, yes its historical for us, but this has set a precedent and for our children, our future generations this will no longer be historical, this will be the norm, and how wonderful that is, that the walls of black and white are not there for our Commander in Chief and our children hopefully won't have to worry about it. I am so thankful for this change in our country. I hope you are too.

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