Monday, September 21, 2009's

How many of you girls are watching? admit it..... how many?

<~~~~~Raising hands... ME ME ME ME~ I will be watching it!
I am going to be in Boston for a Hospice/Palliative Care conference for work but have already told the hubster that in light of sight seeing on Thursday night I will hole myself up in my bed at the HILTON...which by the way ladies I will probably never ever get to stay in again in my lifetime...with some good take out and watch Grey's.
Because who doesn't want to see how it plays out with the whole George and Izzy dying, who isn't dying to see how it ends? Seriously...... who isn't going to put aside everything to watch on Thursday night? why? because its what JESUS WOULD FREAKIN DO!!!!!!!!!!!! in the words of Isobel Stevens....

oh and one more disclaimer before I end this blog... there was a rather nasty comment to one of my last postings... I am FAIRLY sure I know where it came from, pisses me off either way- because the person who posted really lost all rights to judge me or anyone in my family a LONG time ago. I just want to clarify- I do what I do FOR my family. I go to school to make a better life for my kids, I volunteer at my kids school, I put my kids to bed each night, dinner is made each night and I do whatever I can to make the best for my family. not one person has the right to judge or act holier than thou or tell me lines should have been drawn a long time ago, because really, shes right - a line was drawn a long time ago, and it wasn't me that drew it...but hey I won't play that game. I wish that I could be a stay at home mother, unfortunatley I can't. i am just thankful to have a stable and secure job. Because god forbid, if something were to happen to my husbands job or my husband I would be able to support and take care of my family.... would YOU {and this person knows who they are} able to say the same.????????

My children love me, my husband loves me and really at the end of the day...thats all that REALLY freaking matters. so really... if you don't like what I write or who I am, you don't have to read. and thats all.....

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