Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Saturday, October 31, 2009
another sad week...
Rest In Peace Chad, may the angels light your way to heaven where you surely belong, I hope that you are reunited with your dad. Look down on us and smile knowing how much we love you and honor you. You are a true American Hero and we will honor your memory forever. You are the hero I will teach my children about and honor. Know that your sacrifice will never be forgotten.
Monday, October 12, 2009
mourning the loss with another mommy.... and blissfully thankful
I can't even begin to fathom the depth of her loss, or her children's loss, but in this moment I am blissfully thankful for my hubster- and as I posted on facebook this weekend, everything I was irritated about 2 days ago, a week ago, hell a month ago is forgotten. All is forgiven. he was telling me just this am about a near head on accident he almost had on the mountain and all at once I was terrified. He kept saying "Chrissi, it wasn't my fault" well that is not any consolation if hes not here..... Well thank you but it wasn't HIS fault..... that wouldn't make him any less gone. and I am just not strong enough to raise the kids on my own without him. This I know.......
So for today if everyone could just say a prayer for Joanna and her family....... here is her blog... her husband's is also on my blog roll... Barry the Blade as I have been reading his blogs for awhile as well.......
take care, and hug your loved ones tight today!
Monday, September 21, 2009's
<~~~~~Raising hands... ME ME ME ME~ I will be watching it!
I am going to be in Boston for a Hospice/Palliative Care conference for work but have already told the hubster that in light of sight seeing on Thursday night I will hole myself up in my bed at the HILTON...which by the way ladies I will probably never ever get to stay in again in my lifetime...with some good take out and watch Grey's.
Because who doesn't want to see how it plays out with the whole George and Izzy dying, who isn't dying to see how it ends? Seriously...... who isn't going to put aside everything to watch on Thursday night? why? because its what JESUS WOULD FREAKIN DO!!!!!!!!!!!! in the words of Isobel Stevens....
oh and one more disclaimer before I end this blog... there was a rather nasty comment to one of my last postings... I am FAIRLY sure I know where it came from, pisses me off either way- because the person who posted really lost all rights to judge me or anyone in my family a LONG time ago. I just want to clarify- I do what I do FOR my family. I go to school to make a better life for my kids, I volunteer at my kids school, I put my kids to bed each night, dinner is made each night and I do whatever I can to make the best for my family. not one person has the right to judge or act holier than thou or tell me lines should have been drawn a long time ago, because really, shes right - a line was drawn a long time ago, and it wasn't me that drew it...but hey I won't play that game. I wish that I could be a stay at home mother, unfortunatley I can't. i am just thankful to have a stable and secure job. Because god forbid, if something were to happen to my husbands job or my husband I would be able to support and take care of my family.... would YOU {and this person knows who they are} able to say the same.????????
My children love me, my husband loves me and really at the end of the day...thats all that REALLY freaking matters. so really... if you don't like what I write or who I am, you don't have to read. and thats all.....
Sunday, September 20, 2009
I have become one of those......
A Chrissi who for the first time in 3 years actually WENT to a salon to get her hair cut in a very stylish short, stacked bob {yes it was 20 inches that was donated to locks of love...thank you very much} a Chrissi who for the first time in 3 years WENT BACK to the salon 4 weeks later to get said hair cut trimmed and flat ironed and who bought products from the Salon to keep her hair that way. This is a Chrissi who is going to Boston this week for a conference for work that while I am sad to leave my three little fledgling with their daddy and worried that he might be able to handle it.... well.. he will just have to deal. and when he mentioned to me today that he was sad that I would not be able to go to his 20th highschool reunion this week, I almost laughed at him... I mean SERIOUSLY? you gofishing, hunting, play your music... blah blah and I get what? to go to work and school... yeah I feel bad for YOU. So yea I am excited about going to a conference for 2 days in Boston without you... and without the kids.... and I won't be back in time for you to show off your gloriously fat wife to all your buddies at Marshall? Awwwww... I am devestated~!!!! Oh you have to figure out what to do with the kids and who will watch them so you can take your ass to see people that you haven't seen in 20 years and probably are fat too? again... so sad... I met one of your highshool buddies last year rememeber? we went to some club, I met him and his sister, talked to him about things I didnt even find interesting and then we had to go find him in a van while he smoked up to tell him good bye.... good times man...good times......
Hell I didn't e ven go to MY 10th class reunion... why would I want to take myself to yours? But ok... if it makes you feel better that I act all sad and dismayed that my flight won't get back into Dulles until `1145 and I will miss the tour of the school, the big ol Marshall Football game, and the happy hour? yeah,..... lets roll with that.... I can play that game........
Saturday, April 25, 2009
long week.
so around 8 I lay down for a quick 3 hr nap before work. Two nights a week I am in class and two nights a week sometimes 3 Jadyn is in baseball. so i am toast by time my weekend {every other} rolls around.
this week was full of work, school, kids, earth day promises, clipping coupons {trying to save money} and getting things ready for the yard sale this weekend {all in hopes to buy a skirt I so desperatley want Jadyn to have from gymboree that is still full price lol} . Do you see sleep mentioned in there? nope, because there was very little. Today I had every intention of sleeping all day. unfortunately a melt down before J went to school prevented that because somewhere in my tiredness I made a promise to come have lunch with Jadyn, which I did, by the way because the love of my daughter over rides my tiredness and because I just can't say no.
Tomorrow I am heading to yard sale some stuff at the community yard sale, and Jadyn also has a soft ball game. I am already feeling guilty, but I am so tired that I may see if Jadyn can get a ride to the game. I just. can't. do . it.
I need some sleep. and some sanity.
So I will post more soon. I promise.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Driving his power wheels to surgery
Driving his power wheels to surgery
Originally uploaded by Chrissi6
So this past Monday, April 13th Patrick had surgery. minor surgery, but surgery at that. Tubes and adenoids. he has had alot of ear infections this year, as well as some hearing loss associated with it, and alot of respiratory infections including several ER visits and 2 bouts of pneumonia this year one requiring a hospital stay.
so we took him to an ENT and we opted to do tubes and adenoids.
Everything went well. Loudoun Inova Hospital was wonderful, the new surgery center amazing. they even had a power wheels he could drive back to the OR. which he was cool with, until he realized at the swinging doors tha tmommy and daddy were no longer with him. ok, lets be real here. he realized MOMMY wasn't behind him. because lets be truthful, that boy is as big of a mommy's boy as it gets. D-man says he doesn't see where my ASS ends and Patrick's head begins most days. this is the child that will tell his daddy that he is on MOMMy's laptop or that he needs to lay on my side of the bed to keep it warm for me. ect ect.
so back to my story. he parks his jeep, turns it off and says "I'm not going anywhere without my mommy". He started to cry and I started to cry. It was the worst day. i told the d-man that it was like walking away from my 30 1/2 week miracle preemie in the NICU all over again, except this time he KNEW I was walking away and it broke. my . heart. literally.
at 1 hr I told d-man that their time was up. someone better be bringing my baby back to me. the Dr. came out shortly after and told us that all went well, his adenoids were bigger than expected so they were blocking his nasal passages and they had some hard time getting them out. then they took us back to the PACU and I could hear my baby screaming for us as soon as the doors opened. {ok again, lets be real here.... he was screaming for MOMMY} God love the anestheliogist he was cradling patrick who was still out of it but screaming for me in his arms. I sat down and he put him in my arms and i started to crying just as hard as he was. just so happy that he was back in my arms, that he was ok, and that there were no effects from the anesthesia. he got Morphine in the recovery, and came home where he has been napping, eating popsicles and sphagettios and just in general enjoying snuggling in mommy and daddy's bed, Ahem..... MOMMY's bed.
Happy Birthday Wyatt
Truley, he is our "surprise" baby. As I am sure many, many babies are. When I was pregnant with Patrick, I had so many issues and health problems, that when they did my emergency C-Section at 30 1/2 weeks, the doctor really recommended that we have no more children. that my body just couldn't handle it. so we were done. there wasn't enough time to sign a consent for a tubal during the time they were delivering Patrick, and to be honest I probably wouldn't have signed it. I had a really hard time signing it when I had Wyatt. but we were done. we said it, so it must have been true right?
Fast forward 5 months. Smartie pants Chrissi the nurse was sure that since I was breastfeeding, I wasn't going to get pregnant. because didn't I JUST learn in nursing school that this was the way that many people in the middle east used natural birth control? by breast feeding? imagine that..... at 5 months of age Patrick was about to be come a big brother. When he was 15 months old I had his little brother. what a day. little Wyatt was here and has changed our lives forever.
He has been our little spitfire, our devil, our child of no fear since the day he was born. he is the one that will throw anyone he can under the bus, the one we find at the top of the shelves throwing candy to the other two, the one who last year jumped off the top of the bleachers and got a concussion. yup he is our ball of fire and you know what we wouldnt change a darn thing.
we are however, done. a tubal ligation took care of that.
So heres to you my little man, my little Wyatt Vaughn {who by the way my mom got to pick his first name, and his middle name is my mom's middle name.} Happy 3rd birthday, mommy love love loves you,,,,,,tooty pooty.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Ok Ok I'll admit it...
But today after some hard news from a friend, I got on and just did my 2 little blogs and felt better. Almost, as t hough it is therapeutic. like a journal for me. So I vowed to myself that I won't slack again. I promise.
just some pics.
What is it called in your house??
In our house we have always snuck around the word. Not really snuck around it, but we just don't say it. Not that I am embarressed by the word by any means. SEX SEX SEX. I love the word, I love the act. period. We just have kids that repeat Every. Darn. Word. That. We. Say. So we have always just said "you wanna have you know what?" and we always knew what it meant.
we have to plan it. I know it sounds stupid, but I work midnights, and I go to school full time, and the D-man works second shift. so we don't see each other often during the week. so we always plan ahead.
ME: I am off tomorrow night- wanna have you know what?
D: sure.
until a few months ago.......
When I slyly said to the D-man, you wanna have you know what tonight? Patrick my smart little 4 yr old said "WHAT are we having PIZZA tonight? Jadyn Wyatt we are having PIZZA tonight... mommy said so!"
I said Patrick what makes you think we are having pizza?
he said "well, you said you know what and that means pizza night."
So sex officially has a new name in our house. its....
PIZZA. and its a running joke in my house, and my bf's house.
whats it called in your house?
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
I hate body flow.......
So yesterday my good friend Gooch says to me- "lets flow at 1030 tomorrow morning". yeah. sure. I can do that. So I dig out my yoga mat that my mommy bought me for Xmas and went. I got there, spread my mat out and the instructor started out with "this is the new body flow series, enjoy" then they started the new moves, and the trees, and the willows, and the pelvis lifts. I thought my right hip would pop out of socket. OUT. OF. SOCKET. I could do the trees {kinda.....first position only to be fair} the willow, the leg lifts ect. but the pelvis lifts? FORGET it! so after class and meditiation I packed up my bag and skipped out of the gym to pick my boys up. and then....made plans for sundays class.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
10 people no longer living I would love to have met....and why.
So here is my prompt for tonight. 10 people no longer living I would love to meet, and why.
the first half are family.
1. My Oma's mom. my great-Oma Charlotteand my Great- Opa Siegfried She died in 1981. I was 4. she lived in Germany where my Oma grew up. he died during WWII. the details have always been sketchy. I used to love hearing stories about the war from my Oma, and I so treasure the history she has given me to pass on to my mom. I would have loved to have met her parents.
2. My great grandmother Christine LaRouque who I was named after. I am part German and part Indian. my grandfather was born and raised on the LCO reservation in Hayward, WI. one of my very favorite places on this earth. I would have like to have met her to see why my mom decided I was worthy of her name.
3. I am told that my great great great Grandfather was the Medicine Man of our indian tribe . well.... thats enough said I would have liked to have met him as well.
4. My step-dad's father Luther. he died when my step-dad was 16. I was only lucky enough to know his mom for a year after my parents got married and she died {I was 12} I would have liked to have met him.
5. Princess Diana. because she .is. an. Icon. period. there are no two ways about it. She was classy.
6. Jackie Kennedy. I have a picture of me next to the cardboard cutout of her at the Smithsonian. what a class act.
and while we are at it. let me piggy back on this. her son..... John jr. FREAKIN HOT!
7. Ronald Reagan. hands down. he was one of my fave presidents. just because he was classy, he was NICE.
8. Wyatt Earp- because my son is named Wyatt- and because we call him Wyatt Earp. we didn't name him BECAUSE of that. but we thought it was a strong name to go along with Patrick. because can't you just see two brothers who are 15 months apart saying hey Wyatt you got my back? yeah Patrick I got your back. so yeah. I would like to meet Wyatt Earp.
9. and while we are at it. Doc Holiday... because who wouldn't.
10. Peter Jennings. because what a wealth of information and history he would have.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
will this winter ever end?
Several weeks ago, he had a cough, and wheeze we took him to the Dr. and they said ear infection and Upper respiratory infection. which was fine. we started antibiotics. again fine. But patrick is a child that goes down the tubes. And fast. so within 1 1/2 days of starting antibiotics he was not doing any better, so I said to the D-man, give him his nebs over night while I am at work. DO not wake him up and if he isn't better in the am I will take him back tot he DR. he went down the tubes so fast that night that we ended up with a 4 day hospital stay. Not my finest hour. So this am all the way to the Dr. I was panicking. because I will be honest. I. CAN.NOT. DO. ANOTHER. HOSPITAL. STAY. period. end of friggin story. I can't do it.
The NP hears fluid in his lungs, so off we go for the x-ray- with the other 2 kiddos in store. Jadyn by this time {who was home with an upset stomach} is convinced that NOONE in the world loves her because she didn't get to see the Dr. today. ummm hello... why pay a 20 dollar copay for them to tellme, yes Chrissi your daughters stomach is upset, yes there is a flu like virus going around, please keep her hydrated yada yada yada, all stuff that I as a nurse know. Wyatt also has a cough but at the Dr. visit today was still acting quite Wyatt like and by that I mean spawn of somethin gI am not sure of yet, but wild as anything. {by the way WOULD not change that for the world lol} so the visit today was just for the one who just spent 4 days in the hospital 2 weeks ago, my preemie, my asthma kiddo.
so we are at the dr- all the kids want on the table. fine. then they all want down. one. except patrick who knows that when we go he has to sit up there. Jadyn says... "I want down now"
me: ok.. heres the deal. you either sit there and be quiet or you get down and sit on the floor and bequiet but there is no getting back up there once you are down. period. make your decision.
Jadyn: I have thought about it and I want to get down and sit on the floor. so she gets down.
Wyatt: My want down.
so i go through the whole speal again, because I am trying to make them understand the consequences and actions that go along with every decision so they had the choice but both were clear once they were down they were DOWN. not 5 mintues later the NP walks in and it starts.
Jadyn: i want back up with Patrick.
Wyatt: my want back up.
SERIOUSLY? are you Friggin kidding me????
sorry guys- you made your choice. mommy was very clear. you were not getting back up there. Wyatt is fine with it. he starts playing.
*flop* as Jadyn flops her self down on the floor.
How could you make me sit on the dirty floor?
dont you see how dirty it is?
there is no where for me to sit and i am on the floor.
Don't you see you only love patrick. I am sick too and I can't see the Dr.
you don't love me.
ME: yes, J i love you very much, but remember patrick got out of the hospital 2 weeks ago and he is sick again. you have a stomach bug, the very same one mommy has that has made mommy throw up and crap out things you don't want to see. EVER. and you don't hear me complaining about not seeing the dr. {because hellooooooooo for all 4 of us to see them today would have been 80.00 for them to tell the remaining 3 yes you have a virus. stay hydrated} and I am sorry you feel that way but you made your choice blah blah blah. I am telling you it all fell on deaf ears. she cried for over an hr over having to sit on the carpeted floors of the Dr. office. all the way home. all. the. way. home.
I am trying to be patient. I am trying to realize she does not feel good. just like me. just like p. just like wy. but I am over it.
this winter has sucked ass. and I mean that in the nicest possible way. I am so over littl eman being sick. the d-man and I decided tonight that he is not going to play t-ball like we had planned because we just want him to heal and see how he does over the summer and fall before we do any sports with thim. which sucks because we let him go pick out his bat and batting helmet and glove last week. all red with flames. he is so excited. so i told him tonight he could wear them in the back yard and practice on the T. now we just have to get J signed up for baseball. unless she changes her mind. again.
did I mention Wy spiked a fever tonight? F*&^! seriously. and I have a test tomorrow night. double dammit lol.
so winter, as much as I love you, I am done with you. this is my official divorce from winter. COME ON SPRING!
Friday, February 20, 2009
a little trip down memory lane.....
I also realized that its been about 11 yrs since my first concert. I remember it clearly. it was a Garth Brooks concert. you have to remember I grew up in a small town in PA. you either listened to either Southern Rock or Country. or Both. I can remember as a 15 yr old on the Varsity Cheerleading squad one of the seniors gave me a ride to practice. Van Halen blaring as loud as it would go in her Chevette. I had no idea who VanHalen was, but I knew SHE was cool. as cool as it. got. So when I got home I put in my Vanilla Ice tape into my tape deck of my beloved stereo and blared it as loud as it would go. Ice... and then my mom told me to turn it down.
so anyway fast forward a few years. I was always unsure of myself, very self conscious and lord I WANTED to be like the girls in highschool that would just break out in song or dance or both, who could just be loud and fun and everyone wanted to be around. I wasn't like that. I was too afraid of what people would think. So I was dating this guy, and I was invited to a Garth Brooks concert with him. I was very self conscious still at this point. and his family was going and lord, I co uldn't be how I REALLY wanted to be around him. I don't think I ever was truly "myself" around him.
So we get to this concert and my ex sits. SITS. for the entire c oncert. Garth is jumping around the stage and singing and hollering and Penn State is SOLD OUT. and all I wanted to do was jump up and down and profess my undying love for Garth Brooks. instead I sat. for the entire concert and politley clapped my hands. Several years later, when I moved to VA a guy who wanted to date me invited me to a metallica and kid rock concert, and I accepted, because dude... who turns down metallica and kid rock? certainly not me. again this guy sat. seriously.....WHO SITS DURING A KID ROCK concert? not me. I was all over myself. at this point I had decided I DID. NOT.CARE. I rocked it out. and he looked at me like I was insane. was crazy. he even asked if I had had too much drink.... dude ...apparently not enough.
that was the last I ever saw of him. probably a good thing.
then I met my husband. and god love him, I knew the day I met him in person that he was the man of my dreams, my soul mate and the person I belonged with. {how we met is a differen't story, I will have to blog about that later.}
So , I knew when I met my husband that I could totally be myself with him. he does not bat an eye when I break out in song and dance and make up verses to my fave songs to include him, infact he breaks out in song on more than one occasion during the day to amuse me or the kids. I can say what I want, act as crazy as I want and just be myself.
I have the love of my life. He took me to a Poison concert for our first anniversary and I acted all over myself and had the best time of my life. of course he gets just as crazy with me. he is SO. Much.Fun. I can't wait to go see Bon Jovi or Daughtry... maybe he shoudln't go with me, because I will be professing my undying love for them as well.
Thankfully my kids are nothing like I was when I was younger. they have no problem acting crazy, breaking out in dance or song, and I now have a 7 yr old that knows the entire nickel back CD by heart, I have a 3 yr old who can sing "allsummer long" with the best of them and a 4 yr old who asks me to turn it up so he can "rock it out". THANK GOD....
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
the fat girl.........
Let me introduce you to someone.....
My name is Chrissi. and. I. AM. FAT. Last time I weighed in at my doc's office I was a whopping 225. I told them they didn't need to weigh me, that I could tell them all they needed to know about my weight. F-A-T. they laughed at me. seriously.
Now I did start the Atkin's 2 weeks ago. I am down 7 lbs. to 218. which I thought was good. but this Atkin's shit is killing me. literally. I may starve. to. death. i love my carbs. I love my fries and my chips those are my downfall. but during the first two weeks of atkin's I co uldn't even eat a piece of freakin fruit. I love apples. I have been to the gym 4 times in the last 2 weeks, and would like to go more but MAN I am just so friggin tired. not to mention tha tI am convinced that everyone and I mean EVERYONE right down to the man in the corner is staring at me, laughing at me, talking about the fat girl on the eliptical, pointing at me or at least thinking in their head... man is that girl fat.
Now i know I know, I am a size 18 it could be worse, I could be bigger, I could be the 750 lb man on TV. I watched the TLC show on the obese clinic in NYC and I would poke the D-man and say see...see...thats what I look like.
at which point I get the "look" an dhe says Yeah Chrissi because I can't even see past your thigh. I know it could be worse. I get it. but I have a 7 yr old daughter who the other day she told me she was fat. my 7 yr old who only weighs 46 lbs and is probably the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life. {ok ..ok... so I am biased} so I know I need to lose the weight for my health, my BP, my thyroid w hich is part of the problem, and so I can show my kids a healthier lifestyle. its just that those damn McDonalds fries call me. seriously. you doubt me? they DO!
Anyway- tonight is my first Dr. Pepper in 10 days. 10! and I am loving every bit of that wonderful bitch!
I am thinking the atkins is not for me. I can't do it. 7 lbs is great so far. but I have a twin brother who runs marathons. MARATHONS do you hear me? and last year the 2 mile walk/run I was supposed to do with him i faked a migraine because I was embarresed of how big I had become and how I would not be able to do it. the walk /run is in july. My goal is to lose at least 30 lbs by then. to do the walk and to prove that I CAN dO it. so you will hear me vent, scream, cry and moan about it. but I WILL DO IT.