Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Black Friday....

First let me say. Last year was my very first year Black Friday shopping. EVER. I loved it. I vowed that I would go every year and join in the festivities.

This year the only thing that I wanted was the portable DVD player that was supposed to be on sale for 49.00, the case with the car charger for 10.00 and some of the matchbox cars that were a 10 pack for 5.00, a boy cabbage patch for Wyatt for 10.00 and a Baby Alive for 10.00 that Jadyn has been busting my ass about for over a year now that I finally decided to get since it was so cheap. I called a week before the AD came out in my area because someone on my FAVE group was nice enough to post a pic of the ad she had seen. I wanted to know how many they were getting, what brand it was ect ect since it didn't say the brand where I could see it. the NICE nice nice sales lady said... "well I am certainly glad YOU know what our ads are because we don't." well.... stupid join gymbofriends hahahahahahahaha.
so we get the ad and it says you can buy online at midnight the DVD players. my friend and I opt to try and do that that way w can hit kohls when it opens at 4 versus having to wait in line so early at walmart. thats a no go. they weren't online. So I called my friend at 1230 and said ok lets meet at 330. I get up at 325 and therre is a voice mail. Bitch has been there since 145 ~! 145~!~!~~~ again I repeat 145! I had worked the night before so my happy tail was in bed.

So I get up and get dressed, stopped at DD for breakfast for Franc and I and head on out. all the pallets were still wrapped but she had talked a worker into showing her wherer the pallet was so she was parked in the section right by the yellow tape. we sat for a few hrs the lines started getting longer and people started getting nasty- going under hte yellow tape to STANd right by the stuff {we were right near the Xbox 360 bundles and MAN was that a fiasco} to workers taking stuff out of the palletts and giving them to friends who were s hopping and saying hide this. at 5 am they yelled GO GO GO and we dove. I got knocked over, some woman AHEM BITCH knocked me over and crawled over me to get a darn DVD player.... sheesh woman. next time get in line at 145 am lmao.
all in all it was fun. we got what we wanted I spent 135 and finished most of what I wanted with the exception of 2 blue fisher price kid tough dvd players I want to get the boys. then I am done.
oh wait stockings...thtas a whole shopping trip in itself!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are crazy lol :)

We went out too, but not till Mid morning. Things were so bad except the crazy people standing in line at Toys R Us for 2 hours! NO FREAKING WAY! we put our stuff down and told the people in line to have a fabulous day cuz we were doing to lunch lol I got the same car pack for my son! I can't wait till he sees them! HE WILL FREAK and I will know I only spent $5 lol