Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Countdown to Greys.......

yes. I am one of THOSE. one of those GIRLS who counts down to the season premiere. I have to work tomorrow night, so I am giving up my night time nap. thats right. girl giving up her sleep to watch McDreamy. because HELLOOOOOOO who wouldn't give up sleep for Mcdreamy? or Mcsteamy for that matter? its all just Mclicious!!!!!!! I will sleep until noon tomorrow after I get home and get my stuff done in the afternoon. its going to be a dreary rainy day- supposed to be my first night of dissection in lab tomorrow night. {cat, in case your interested}. and then I normally go to bed at 8 after the kids go to bed. {ideal yes. always happens? no.} and I sleep for another 2-3 hrs before the D-man comes home and wakes me up for work. and I should be concentrating on other more important things, like organizing my yard sale. {fyi- its supposed to rain on friday. just friggin great} or paying bills, or cleaning, organzing my boys closets- since J's is done and my boys are over loaded. {d says its a borderline obsession. I say he's crazy. who ya gonna beleive?} or even studying, or preparing craft ideas for J's Fall party of which I am in charge of. but nooooo all I will be doing tomorrow night at 8 pm sharp is plunking my fat ass infront of that TV.ok well not in front of the TV. I can tell you where I will be. in the middle of my bed, covered up with some popcorn and a drink . J will be on onside because she too loves ugly betty and grey's and the boys will be on the other. the boys will blissfully fall asleep. and somewhere half way through ugly betty J will fall asleep. and leave Mcdreamy to me, myself and I. I am so excited I can't stand it. seriously. seriously. I even have thought about buying the seriously mug off the myspace page. seriously. I am such a geeky grey's fan its not funny . any thoughts on whats going to happen this season? i have seen the previews. we have all seen Rose say shes pregnant. however there is supposedly going to be a bad accident first episode. with Derek. and I am thinking its a dream. come on guys share in my obsession. seriously, because its what Jesus would freakin do!
ok so lets dance it out...................................

mowing the lawn...again...

well it looks like I have taken over mowing the lawn. some how I find it therapuetic. I slap the ipod on and go to town. I had to do it this week while the hubster was at work, lest he taketh my lawn mowing luxery away from me. I acutally like it. and pssst.... can i tell you? I would rather mow the lawn than do the dishes, or the laundry. seriously.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

picture day

So today was picture day~ nothing new and great to post just some pics of today that I took before school!!!!!!!!!

Friday, September 19, 2008

overflowing in webkinz land.......

help me, help me I am drowning....... oh wait let me just pull the webkinz off my face so I can breathe... whew thats better!!! Anyone else's house inundated with webkinz? bully the bullfrog? or fluffy the cat, or sally the polar bear? or how about Austin the reindeer? I could go on and on and on.... and on . and on. literally. it never stops. ESP when my 3 yr old sees that sissy have the monkey and we LOVE monkeys so of course he had to get a monkey- or at valentines day when Jadyn got the love frog- the 2 boys HAD to have frogs. it was a mess- so off to walmart mommy went to try and find some stuffed frogs to make the boys happy. we love webkinz in our house. and thats an understatment. seriously. hours upon hours are spent on the computers doing our garden, playing games and the boys are content just to watch sissy play webkinz, watch the frog jump on the trampoline and you should hear patrick SCREECH when Sissy feeds his monkey, or makes his monkey play. its like the best thing. Ever.
so exscuse me whilst I am off to play in webkinz land..... seriously. I am.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

mowing the lawn......

So I have been trying to get the D-man to teach me how to mow the lawn. The only experience I have in mowing the lawn was when I was about 15 and my grandfather foolishly let me try and use his riding mower to mow his big lawn. I backed it into a little man made ditch he had in his yard. never again was I allowed to touch it. EVER.

I have always just let the hubster do the yards, period. I have never questioned it, never cared. But, to be fair, the d-man does about 98% of the laundry in the house- sure I might do a load here or there, but he likes to do it and Hey why mess with a good thing? a husband who does the laundry willingly and likes it? well I am not going to question that one. this is a man who also does the dishes every am. so I thought maybe I better learn. with our schedules- he on second shift and me on third it wouldn't hurt me to mow the lawn in the afternoon while the boys are napping and j is in school {wait,, the boys nap? ok scratch that..... while the boys are PLAYING}
Anyway, I have been bugging him for months. and I tend to play the dramatics ie: what if if something happens to you? what if you DIE? what if you are in a COMA? all scenarios of why I would have to GASP mow my own lawn, and I hate to depend on someone so I would rather learn. he always says he wont die and leave me with an unmowed lawn.. I would like to trust that... still.
so this weekend he finally gave in. he showed me how to turn it on, laughed when i at first had a hard time with the pull start thingy {yes thats the TECHNICAL term} and hovered while I mowed, and then when i was done said "can I fix it without you getting mad?" without waiting for an answer he took it and fixed my somewhat squiggly lines in the yard and thanked me for attempting to learn. I said "D did it take a little bit of you rman hood to see me touching your mower?" he said "yeah a little bit".
So I said well d what if you were kidnapped by Marauders? I would HAVE to know what I am doing.. I mean these Mauraders they are mean they could keep you for YEARSSSSSSSSSSS.
"Chrissi, I will make sure I only get kidnapped by Maruauders who will let me come home and mow the lawn"

well as long as we have that settled.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

nightmare on my street.......

So there are three dreams I HATE to have. and I mean HATE. 1) something has happened to my children, 2) something has happened to the hubster ie: the D-Man OR 3) my husband has had an affair. those are just three dreams that I hate to have and I am sure most mommies/wives can agree with me.

So I get home from work Saturday am, and I am dead tired. I opt to go to bed for a few hrs before activities for the day {playdates, sleepovers ect } begin. At 830 am I am in bed crashed. at 12 Noon I wake up in a cold sweat. I had a vivid and I mean VIVID dream tha tnot only has the D-man cheated on me, but he has gotten some other skank... ahem girl...pregnant and LEFT me with the kids. {yeah because he could afford the child support for 3 kids.... bahahahahahah}

It was so vivid that I woke up in a cold sweat and tears in my eyes.
*stomping down the stiars* "Darold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
*more stomping*

I find the D-man in the garage working on his boat.. *TWHAK*

d-man~ "ouch. Damn Chrissi What the hell was that for?"
ME~ "don't EVER do that to me. she is a SKANK! Don't you see that? oh and by the way my cheating hubster if you TH"INK for one second you can afford child support.... well think again my friend"

*CUE blank look*
D-man~ Chrissi I have no idea what you are friggin talking about.
ME~ I had a dream.......
D-man~ Wait a minute... lets back the F**** up. you came down here, hit me on the arm and yelled at me over child support and gave me a heart attack over a DREAM? you are out of your mind!~"
ME~ But it was a very vivid dream...... oh and FYI in my dream she WAS a skank. {because if he is going to cheat on me ut HAS to be with a skank....right? {and beleive me I have never had any trust issues with my hubster. he is about as faithful as they come and he even jokes there is not even TIME to have an affair lol- but since John Edwards came forward after his affair, and I really liked him btw- it has destroyed my faith in faithful men...somewhat}

fast foward a few hrs later~ D is still shaking his head at me. telling me I am out of my mind. we are at walmart- and just an FYI I hate to be sepearated at walmart. because then I have to search for him or call him on his phone which btw he very rarley answers. so I can't find him and we are on a time constraint because we have to go pick J up. I have patrick with me and he has Wy with him. so I call his phone.
Where are you???????????/ I screech. I can't find you. and I am looking EVERYWHERE,..... {have i mentioned i have a flair for the dramatics?}
D-man~ "well chrissi I am over here in electronics..... with the Wy-man continueing my affair with said "skank" from your dream. happy now?

Dude... Remind me to never tell him my dreams again.. he seriously does. not. get. it.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

praying for everyone in Hurricane Ike's path

not much time to b log tonight- need to get better at it. seriously, I will.
but, just wanted to take a moment to say a silent prayer for all those in Ike's path, and those will be affected.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

50 reasons why I love my Husband

Today anyway..... No I am just kidding, I knew that when I took my vows 5 1/2 years ago, that he wasn't perfect... he just so happened to be marrying the perfect woman...I am allowed to say that right?
It didn't matter that we had done things backwards and had our daughter first, or that the during the rehearsal I laughed so hard trying to rehearse the vows tha tI am sure my inlaws thought I was crazy- to this day I remember VIVIDLY hearing my Mother in law say to me "you better get this right Chrissi, this is serious buisness, you can't laugh tomorrow"...DUDE does she realize who her son was marrying??? It didn't matter that the preacher we had picked to marry us was an idiot who didn't show her true colors until the night of the rehearsal, or that one of our groomsman got into a knock down drag out in our parking lot of our townhouse development and was not going to show up for the wedding. It didn't matter that we spent the night before our wedding together.... or that my stepfather offered to whisk me out the back door as we were walking down the aisle... I was just convinced that marriage was going to be EASY~! who was I freakin kidding? 3 kids and 5 1/2 years later, layoffs, nursing school, moves, bed rest, labors, c sections. we have seen it all... kinda. and still my husband remains loyal, steadfast and STILL helps around the house and with the kids. what kind of man is that?

So today I get home from work- at 8 am. for those of you that don't know me I work m idnights- the glorious midnight shift on a dementia, traumatic brain injury, alzheimers and these days PSYCH wardas an LPN. - so i don't often get alot of sleep, and often I am a walking talking bitch. I get that, i know that , and i frequently apologize for it.I also am back in school. 2-3 nights a week also cutting into valuable sleep time. the hubster works second shift so I average about 3-5 hrs a day of sleep and live for my days off or his. so anyway this am I get home at 8 am or so- and I CRASHED. literally- I don't remember speaking to anyone this am, hell I don't remember going to bed, must have though because I literally spent 13 hrs in bed today- the hubster {or as my sister dear and I affectionalty call him the D-Man, and I swear that her, the D-man and I are the only ones who REALLY know what the D in d-man stands for and no its not his first name, however I won't tell... unless you pay me handsomely of course} woke me up at 2 so that he could go get diapers or something at walmart I think it was diapers- maybe he just needed to run away far far away. anyway he was back at 330 and i was back asleep. he took care of all 3 kids today, did laundry, cleaned the boys room AND made dinner- what kind of man is that? well the D-man is awesome. so today is my ode to the D-Man- as he will be hereafter known in my blogs.
lets see how long it takes me to come up with 50 reasons.. this should be easy right?
starting time....0324 AM.

50. his eyes {really pretty hazel- first thing I noticed about him. }
49. his eye lashes. very long very pretty- can you say pretty in a man? i have long eye lashes too so all of our kids do too. YAY!
48. he has never openly laughed at me when I say stupid things {Ie: well that racoon can't have rabies- he is out at night- everyone knows that if they are out at night they don't have rabies.... well ok so Chrissi is a dumbass} and he has never OPENLY laughed at me, although I am sure he does the minute I walk away.
47. he doesn't make fun of my insane fear of thunderstorms, tornados {they truley are storms of the century to me} or spiders- he just takes it in stride
46. his ass... man is it nice.
45. his patience-it takes a special man to be patient with me.
44. the ease at which he says "no honey you are NOT a bitch"...when CLEARLY I have been one ALL DAY
43. he never ever gets mad at the amount of money I spend on the kids clothes.
42. he never gripes about what i spend period.
41. he worked full time and rarley slept while I was in nursing school so that we could afford to go and not have the daycare expense.
40. he has never ever quit a job just to quit.
39. he loves his parents...unconditionally- how could you not love a man like that.
38. he does not balk at hard work.
37. he does the dishes. daily. without a fight. period. i come home from work in the am and I amnot kidding you EVERY morning he is at the sink doing dishes- seriously.
36.he feeds the kiddos breakfast every am.
35. he does all the laundry in the house. not kidding. he does it all. hangs my clothes up for me, and folds all the kids clothes for me to put away.
34. he cooks. 'nuff said.
33.he doesn't care what other people think of him or his family- he loves us all and thats all tha tmatters to him.
32. he is fiercley loyal.
31. he is so protective of his family, me his kids all of us.
30. he loves having a daddy's girl. it makes him swell with pride.
29. he loves having 3 boys- he loves playing and wrestleing around with them.
28. he is not afraid to change diapers. poopy, pee pee you name it he does it. without question.
27. he is insanely smart- knows things that I would never even know about- and he learns things just to learn.
whew ok... i am stretching it now.
26. he loves my family- for all of our dysfunctions- he loves my parents, my grandparents, brothers sister and aunts uncles cousins.
25. he treats my siblings like they are his own. would do anything in the world for him...
24. when i was breast feeding the kiddos or even when they went to bottles. he ALWAYS got up for the midnight feedings,just to talk to me while I wsa feeding.
23. when I get home in the am and get in the shower there is always a hot steaming cup of coffee waiting for me on my night stand.
22. he never gets mad when i forget to flush the toilet.
21. he very rarley gets mad at the kids
20. he laughs at almost all my jokes.
19. he lets me get drunk and is mostly always the DD.
18. he takes care of me 'nuff said.
17. he takes care of his responsibilities.
16.he is a good sport.
15. according to some of my gf friends he looks like russel crowe. i don't see it. but hey russell crowe is hot. so i will go along with it. although there is one pic of him that he does actually look a bit like him.
14. he is not afraid ot admit when he is scared or doesn't know how to do something
13. his baby batter makes some darn good looking kids! all 4 are gorgeous!
12. he drives everywhere. never complains.
11. he will carry my purse if i ask him. always.
10. he is not afraid to get dirty
9. he loves me uncondtionally
8. he is a great lover {i know you just wanted to hear that right?}
7. he is my best friend {next to pedro}
6. he is my soulmate
5. he will always tell me i am gorgeous even if I KNOW I am fat.
4. he tells me i look nice every day- even if i am just in scrubs
3. he tells me he loves me at least 10 times a day.
2. he kisses me as often as he can
1. he gives me a hug as soon as i walk in the door in the am.

end time. 347- see it wasnt that hard I just had to think on a few of them. so anyway D- Man , here's to you!!!!!

Monday, September 1, 2008

the "LABOR" day

playing along with tonight. otherwise known as rocks in my dryer. although I am still new and have no idea how to do links.

How long were your labors?
Kidlet #1 {Jadyn} 23 hrs and 43 minutes... and yes she is reminded of it and yes she is still "laborious " to this day!!!
Kidlet #2 {patrick} emergency c section from time of cut to time of him being out 7 minutes. crying as soon as he came out of the womb. my little 32 weeker....
kidlet #3 {wyatt} hr long c section- i should have known when the spinal wore off during the section that he was going to be my heathen. he just couldn't make anything easy could he?

How did you know you were in labor?
with kidlet #1 my water broke- went to the hospital and 8 am the next day had not gone any further and had to be induced.
kidlet #2 emergency c section at 32 weeks not planned.
kidlet #3 tried to come every stinking day from 31 weeks on. many trips to the hospital to get labor stopped0- spinal wore off half way through the section i should have known he would be my trouble maker. the OB swore he was screaming before he came out... hasn't stopped.

Where did you deliver?
Jadyn was born at Mary Washington Hospital. both the boys were born at loudoun hospital in leesburg. best OB ever!

well stupidly with kidlet #1 i waited until I had been in labor for 17 hrs before I finally got one... stupid me lol.
Both the boys were spinals due to a section.

kidlet #1 was a vag- both the boys were sections.

Who delivered?
kidlet #1 was delivered by a NP at MWH. I don't remember to this day what she looked like- although I do remember that there was a little boy in the next room who had been delivered a few minutes earlier whose name was also Jaiden {obviously spelled different from MY Jadyn and obviously they "hear" what we were naming ours and got all jealous and copied lmao}
Kidlet #2 and #3 were both delivered by my ob in +Loudoun County Dr. Neil Foster. best OB ever... and not to shabby looking either!!!!!